

The aim of “Kunst für Angeln e.V.” is to create a new cultural location and to emphasize the importance of art and its reception for a democratic society. The offer is aimed at target groups of all age groups throughout Germany and internationally and attaches importance to a methodical mediation that is tailored to the respective exhibition visitors and workshop participants. For this purpose, the association cooperates with local educational institutions, for example with youth organizations and retirement homes.

Together with artists and curators we want to conceive new projects – it’s about encounters, exchange, inspiration and sharing thoughts.

The programme of the association offers:

Be a part of it and make an appointment at:

Wittkiel, Anglia peninsula, 2022, exhibition “PORTRAITS – MASKS – VEILS” at the Wittkielhof, works from the collection Roosen-Trinks, curated by Corinna Koch and Isa Maschewski, Image copyright: FRED DOTT, Hamburg

If you would like to support Kunst für Angeln e.V., we would be very happy about it.